Go To Italian Version | Supralunar Official Website
Petri Tuulik - Lead Vocals , Guitars
Andreas Denk - Bass, Vocals
Mikael Back - Drums, Vocals
Petri Tuulik - Lead Vocals , Guitars
Mikael Back - Drums, Vocals

Hey Exploders, you ought to know that everywhere there are "white flies" and in Sweden there are the Supralunar, a clear example of what I mean. These three guys play a kind of rock'n'roll which is far enough from their Country atmosphere. In this interview we will know something more about their
background and their personal opinions… so forget Backyard Babies!

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Hi guys, I know you're from Sweden! What is the weather like in your city right now?
Petri: Hi you all. The weather is pretty nice right now in Stockholm. Spring is really here. Summer is when Sweden really happens though.

Now, the first serious question! introduce yourself to our readers and tell something about your cd to our Exploders!
Micael: We are like three chefs but instead of cooking we play music. We all listen to quite different types of music.
Andreas: Yeah, one cup of flour, a cup of sugar. I'll bring the meat...
Petri: And the stew we cook together is called Supralunar and contains quite a few flavours. Have a taste at our website!

Have you ever thought to add another member in the band, or Petri likes to sing and play guitar at the same time?
Petri: We have thought about it from time to time, to add another guitar player or keyboard player or preferably one who plays both (laughs) but we haven't yet taken that step. We feel that even though the trio setting is not in any way unique it's part of what makes us special. Also being a trio puts a lot of demands on the arrangements of the songs. We often get the comment after playing live that we are "just three but sound like five".
Andreas: I believe Petri is quite comfortable singing and playing the guitar, keep in mind though, we all do a lot of singing while playing.

Hey guys, now we wanna a track by track of your cd! Talk to us about each song of yours. What are the "People like us" and where did you take the inspiration for the Spanish flavour of "La Diabla"?
"People Like Us" - This song is quite representative of what Supralunar is about. Pretty up-tempo, energetic, three harmony vocals, happy but with a bit of melancholy in the chorus this one is a strong number. The lyrics deal with injustice in the world in the sense that it's hardly on your behalf where you are born so people could just be a little more humble.
"Nine Candles" - A bit more heavy and riff oriented with a very good chorus. A Supralunar-classic. One of our oldest songs. The lyrics are just a reflection of where the band was at, at the time the song was written.
"La Diabla" - Get your dancing shoes on! This is in the lighter end of Supralunar and has a Spanish feel about it. This came about just from picking up an acoustic classic guitar and it's written about the curse of love.
"Understand" - A very varied song with a lot of harmony vocals and a light slightly mysterious verse and a full-on-party chorus. This song rocks! It's
about personal progression and seeing things in different perspectives.
"Supralunar" - Our "title-track". Just like Iron Maiden and Motörhead who also have got songs named after themselves, so should we! An up-tempo
pop-punk number! This sums it up: Let's go Supralunar!
Andreas: Yeah, I think that sums it up pretty well.

What do you think about the rock scene in Sweden? There are lots of bands like Hardcore Superstar, Backyard Babies, The Hellacopters that are most
famous in Europe, but you seem to be different from them, with a sound more english oriented. What do you think about it?

Micael: With the exception of The Hellacopters, the bands that you mentioned are really dull and more based around attitude than music. The rock scene in Sweden is big but as a band it's very much down to who-you-know. You have to spend five days a week at the hottest clubs in order to get anywhere.
Petri: Some people have said that we sound more American than English. We're from the moon though (laughs).

Which are your influences? Which bands you use to listen to (both past and present bands)? I think The Sweet, The Wildhearts, Queen and many others...
Micael: You got "The Sweet" right. My biggest favourites are Kiss and Jethro Tull. If I listen to something new nowadays it's not rockmusic. The stuff made today is rarely any good.
Petri: For me, what influences the music that I play doesn't necessarily have to be what I listen to the most. I think I just pick up influences from all music I hear. I haven't listened much to any of the bands you mention.

Have you ever been in Italy? What do you think about it? I hope to see you play soon in our Country, there's some chance about it?
Micael: Nope! I'd like to come and play but before that I'll probably go to Italy on a honeymoon.
Petri: I have been to Italy (Rimini and Venice) once on a schooltrip but that was when I was 12 years old so it feels like it's time to go again. If someone wants to book us for a gig and gives us very much money. We'll definitely be there!

Tell me about your songs, how they're born? What's the songwriting process that you use the most? Who is the main songwriter inside the band?
Petri: I write almost all of the songs, though the above mentioned "Understand" is written together with Andreas. Songwriting process? Haven't got a clue really. It's different all the time. Sometimes it just starts with a word, sometimes a guitar riff, sometimes a rhythm. Many of the songs are very chord and melody oriented though.

Have you ever dream to play in any particular place, any particular city, arena, stadium or anything else? Which of your favourite bands you dream to support on tour?
Micael: I would like to play the Madison Square Garden because Kiss played there. It doesn't matter who we'd open for because we would crush them
anyway (laughs)...
Petri: How about the Coloseum in Rome? Any chance we could sell that out? I wouldn't mind supporting Motörhead though I think we'd be slaughtered by their audience.
Andreas: I'd like to go on tour with Spinal Tap. Oh, and Motörhead of course.

Tell me about your concerts! Are you having a lot of gigs? In your opinion, which is the best concert in your career? Do you remember it, or maybe you're too drunk to do it (laughs)...
Petri: We're not playing as much as we would like to. This will hopefully change. Our shows are pretty intense and we're at our best when on stage. I would very much like to stand in the audience watching us. Maybe future technology will permit that (laughs). The best show is yet to come. Most of them have been great though.
Andreas: We played a shitty gig where I dropped my borrowed bass to the floor. That was hilarious.

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What do you usually do before going on stage? Do you have any particular usage or kind of spell against bad luck?
Petri: I run around nervously checking that everything is in order. Our introtape puts a spell on the audience making them worship us.
Micael: I usually have one beer but only one. I'll warm up my body and tell Petri that "everything is cool".
Andreas: There really is no need for "spells" when you go on stage with Petri and Micael, I feel perfectly safe and comfortable. Whatever problems may arise, we always find our way around them.

What do you think about internet, exchanging of mp3 songs and the webzines? Are you pro or against them?
Petri: Hmmmm, difficult question. Though I'm a fairly big user of the internet for downloading music it is a big problem for the music industry. I personally think most of the music is crap these days. It's so rare that I come across an album that is actually worth buying
Micael: It's great with all the music available but as a musician your biting the hand that feeds you.
Andreas: Music should be free. At least to some extent.

Do you think rock will never die? Rock is dead? Rock is fucked? Rock is hot, loaded and ready to fuck all shit music around the MTV's world?
Petri: I recently saw a local band whose members were around 18-20 years oldand they played songs that sounded just like some obscure NWOBHM band from 1981. That did put a big smile on my face. I think rockmusic is very alive
but I wouldn't mind all the Nu-Metal bands dropping dead (laughs)
Micael: It's all about hitting the kids really hard. It's always going in circles and right now it feels like rock is coming on strong.
Andreas: Rock music is fucked, I agree. It will get better though, and hopefully, it will survive.

Tell me what you think about:
the 60's…

Petri: This is really exiting because things that are now cliché were not cliché then so things still sound fresh and spontaneous to me.
Micael: I haven't listened that much to the 60's music but we are lucky that The Beatles and The Who were around. Otherwise we wouldn't have been where we are today.
Andreas: People looked funny in the 60's. And the music was happier too.
the 70's…
Petri: The early 70's is a cool time in music with the hard rock thing just starting to happen. The music is very alive. I don't like the late 70's as much though. The sound became to "controlled" in my ears.
Micael: It's wonderful that all these schooled musicians who grew up on jazz hung on to the 60's movement, made it better and added some heaviness. Music was well played and there was a good sense for melody.
Andreas: The main thing during the 70's, in my opinion was the groove. I just love the way the music of the early 70's makes you want to dance.
the 80'…
Petri: For me this is a great period. A lot of people put the 80's down but this is when most of my favourite albums were recorded. This is the decade when e.g. Iron Maiden, Dio were great and the heavy metal scene was really cooking which is very much what I grew up on and I still love that stuff. In
the late 80's it got a bit out of hand with all the hairspray. I miss the music from the 80's but not the clothes really (laughs)
Micael: Maybe there's good music from the 80's but I seem to have missed it totally.
Andreas: The 80's really sucked. I just hate the way music got (sound wise) stiff. The only artists who remained true to their sound, were Tom Waits and Motörhead. There isn't enough soap in the world, to wash those guys clean.
the 90's…
Petri: I thought the early 90's was exiting at the time when the funk-rock thing started to happen. Unlike the 80's it hasn't really survived for me. The grunge movement was a very healthy thing for music but I didn't like it very much.
Micael: What the hell happened during the 90's? Rockmusic wasn't any good then. Though Rage Against the Machine was probably the best thing that happened in that decade. They presented a new genre with a lot of guts and energy. I was mainly only listening to Kiss anyway (laughs)
Andreas: The early 90's spawned bands that gave rock music a much deserved kick in its all too clean ass.

What's your favourite porn star, your favourite car, what's the thing you hate the most in the world and your fav drink?
Micael: Well, there's this Swedish movie called "Fädbojäntan"...haha! My favourite car is a Chevy 57' Obligation, things that have to be done An icecold lager in the sun!
Andreas: Favourite porn star? Myself, wearing only a cucumber. Favourite drink is the "Dying bastard", one of Hemingways as well:
2 cl gin;
2 cl brandy;
2 cl bourbon;
2 cl rum;
1 cl roses lime;
Angostura bitter;
Ginger ale;
Have a couple of these, and they'll really get you out there...
Petri: My favourite porn star? That would probably be our drummer, Micael.

What's in the future of Supralunar? Have you got projects or anything else, talk about them…
Petri: Well the main priority is to find a record label that wants to put out an album with Supralunar and then start our crusade all over the world. Any Italian labels out there maybe? Right now we're working on a video for a song called "She won't let me down". Hopefully we can make it available on our website in the near future.

If you had the chance to change something in the world, what would you do for sure?
Micael: I would get rid of AIDS and then go back in time to "the summer of love" or that my car would start every morning.
Petri: Maybe I'm nagging but I'd kill the nu-metal scene and then create world peace (laughs).
Andreas: If I was omnipotent, I'd make mankind a bit more polite.

Thanks for answered my questions, the interview is ended, would you like to greet, insult or tell anything particular to our readers?
Andreas: I'd like to take this opportunity to insult the Chinese government. Thank you.
Petri: Well, if you made it this far, thank you for reading the interview and make sure you check out our website! Thanks also to Bruno for finding
us, Forza The Rock Explosion!

Intervista realizzata da Kendy K.
Tradotta da Margherita Realmonte

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